Type of Fee | Euro |
Application fee for online filing (including 10 patent claims) | EUR 40 |
– extra fee for each additional claim | EUR 20 |
Application fee for paper filing (including 10 patent claims) | EUR 60 |
– extra fee for each additional claim | EUR 30 |
Fee for search request | EUR 300 |
Examination fee after filing of a search request | EUR 150 |
Examination fee without prior search request | EUR 350 |
Annual fee for the 3rd patent year | EUR 70 |
Annual fee for the 4th patent year | EUR 70 |
Annual fee for the 5th patent year | EUR 90 |
Annual fee for the 6th patent year | EUR 130 |
Annual fee for the 7th up to 20th patent year | see detailed fee information “Information of Costs, Fees and Expenses” (A9510.1) |
Opposition procedure | EUR 200 |
The annual fees will be reduced by half, if you declare that you are prepared to grant licences to anyone under Sec.23(1) Patent Act.
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