Technical Protective Rights / Procedures – Research
A research can give you an overview of the competing companies or can eventually show you the state of the art of your patent. You will be informed if there are any third-party users or holders who claim a similar patent; this allows you to find out if they have the right to hinder your patent. We will help you find out, if it is actually worthy, to register your invention with a patent.
State of the art / Competitor ´s research
If you decide to register a new patent, a state-of-the-art research is definitely recommendable. If you already have a patent and you want to know if a third party is breaching your rights, a competitor’s research is suggested.
State-of-the-art / Research for future patent owners
Let´s say you have the project to register a patent: before the registration and the commercial use, you should have a competitor´s research carried out. It is important to find out if your idea has already been protected by someone else. Our team of experts can do this for you!
If you are already using a patent that has already been registered, you are infringing third-party´s intellectual property rights. This can be considered a criminal offense and you can be charged for it.
Competitor´s research for patent´s owners
If you already own a patent, you can have a competitor´s research carried out, in order to find out if any other party is infringing your protective rights.
Legal Status Researches
A frequently asked question regards the validity of a registered patent. As the patent´s database and patent’s data are not uniform, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether or not a patent is still into force. For this reason, we offer you legal-status researches – not only for generic producers-.
Freedom-to-operate / Researches
Nobody wants to violate third-parties ‘protective rights, and in order to do so, it is important to be always careful, especially in certain commercial activities.
For example, before the use of a specific production´s process or the manufacture of a specific product, it is necessary to investigate whether or not this activity is allowable.
Patents have a high ideological and material value. Considerable losses of sales and image can be the consequences of “product´s piracy” or Know-How assumptions.